Public Health Programs

2018 - 2019

Accelerating Program Achievements to Control the Epidemic (APACE)

APACE program prioritized comprehensive HIV and TB prevention, case finding, treatment initiation, retention, and adherence, with interventions differentiated for population and location with effect from October 2018 in both the Western and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa. The program delivered on two critical outcomes, namely: 1) achieving epidemic control in supported facilities across the districts and 2) strengthening health and community systems at district, provincial and national levels.

Roles and responsibilities

As a sub-District Manager, I was responsible for managing HIV/TB quality improvement programs in Western sub-District, City of Cape Town. Provided technical assistance for program design and planning. Engaged with key stakeholders at facility, District and Provincial levels. Supported data quality assurance activities.


Managed quality improvement and direct service delivery at supported 21 facilities in the Western sub-District, Cape Town Municipality, Western Cape. Supervised 37 clinical, data, and community outreach staff on quality improvement projects. Established performance monitoring system for tracking priority indicators for supported facilities. Improved the clinical and district data collection, data quality and reporting. Led engagement with community and governmental stakeholders (at District and Provincial levels). Increase the proportion of PLHIV who know their status, the proportion PLHIV who are on treatment and PLHIV who are virally suppressed.

Implementing agency

Kheth’Impilo AIDS-Free Living




Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Program

HSS provided technical assistance, modified facility and community direct service delivery and capacity building of health care workers. These services were provided at selected facilities in Western Cape and KwaZulu Natal Provinces of South Africa. The goal of the program was to improve HIV and TB related patient outcomes by strengthening health and patient management systems to achieve the 90-90-90 targets. HSS program supported 132 facilities (14 facilities in UMsunduzi sub-District and 118 in the Metro of the Western Cape) through the end of the program in September 2018.

Roles and responsibilities

As a sub-District Manager, I supported the implementation of strategies which contribute to achieving the 90-90-90 targets, PMTCT program that prevents new pediatric HIV infections, reduction of new TB infections, and retention in care of those on treatment with a target of 70% retention in care after 5 years on treatment using community support links.

Key achievements

Directly supported 21 facilities in the Western sub-District, Cape Town Municipality, Western Cape. The program provided HIV testing services to 7 102 762 individuals; identified 625 355 HIV positive clients and initiated 432 285 on ART. Patients eligible for viral load test totaled 375 525 with 91% having documented viral load suppression across supported facilities.

Implementing agency

Kheth’Impilo AIDS-Free Living




Enhanced Quality Improvement Program (EQUIP)

EQUIP consortium of five partners based in South Africa, provided support and technical assistance to the USAID country mission, in rapid response and scale up to HIV/AIDS in an innovative way. EQUIP implemented was a combination of Technical Assistance, demonstration projects and direct service. It also involved HIV self-screening clinical trial. Kheth’Impilo implemented EQUIP project in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Congo Democratic Republic, and Burundi. Technical assistance was in the form of data analysis of a package of interventions by USAID funded implementing partners.

Roles and responsibilities

As a Regional Technical Lead, I provided technical support for the EQUIP Project in Nigeria. Provided technical direction and overall implementation strategy for programmatic success in conjunction with the Country Director. Ensured high-quality technical programming through hands-on guidance and support grounded in the program’s strategic objectives and adhering to expected technical quality and implementation framework.

Key Achievements

Supervised 12 clinical advisors, data and supporting staff on the Nigerian program. Kick-started HIV and Tuberculosis QI programs. Led engagement with the National governmental stakeholders. Developed protocols, standard of procedures & institutional review board applications for HIV self-testing trial and health system strengthening projects (in Nigeria and Zimbabwe).

Implementing agency

Kheth’Impilo AIDS-Free Living




South-to-South eMTCT Quality Improvement Collaborative

The South-to-South Program for Comprehensive Family HIV Care and Treatment, based at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at University of Stellenbosch, provided technical, program, capacity building and systems support to various organisations. This accelerated access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services for high-risk groups such as HIV-infected pregnant women and children.

Roles and responsibilities

Worked as a Team Lead/Women/Maternal and Child Health/PMTCT Advisor on the program. Led program implementation, managed training and training material development projects, improvement and expansion of training and mentoring program aiming to improve family-centred pediatric HIV treatment and care, as well as maternal and pediatric HIV prevention services. Provided direct technical assistance to health care facilities supported by collaborating partners include training of staff on and off-site. Provided technical support to the Department of Health on policy and guideline development and implementation. Designed, conducted, and reported on operational research in the field of Paediatric HIV/PMTCT.

Key Achievements

Coordinated quality improvement projects for elimination of mother to child transmission and pediatrics HIV programs. Improved key PMTCT and TB indicators at the District and Provincial levels. Trained, coached, and mentored 150 health personnel. Supported District in using data and visualization tools for tracking performance and decision making. Lectured on HIV, TB, and evaluation modules for students and healthcare providers. Membership of the National Pediatric HIV and PMTCT technical working groups. Developed eMTCT/PMTCT change package and desktop tool for health workers.

Implementing agency

The South-to-South Program for Comprehensive Family HIV Care and Treatment



S2S eMTCT QI Change package for healthcare workers

South Africa, 2015


The Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI)

NURHI was a five-year project that aims to increase the use of modern family planning methods among the urban poor communities in six States of Nigeria. NURHI was implement by four partners in a consortium. The aim was to eliminate supply and demand barriers to contraceptive use and make family planning a social norm in Nigeria.

Roles and responsibilities

As a Quality Improvement/System Strengthening Officer responsible for two project states, I provided technical assistance for programs design and planning. Led the use of data to monitor performance against targets for Reproductive Health and related programs. Facilitated training and mentored public/private health care workers. Managed project staff in their daily activities.

Key Achievements

Successfully coordinated project implementation of Reproductive Health programs. Facilitated the capacity development for reproductive healthcare trainers. Increased the number of trained and specialized healthcare workers that delivered Reproductive Health services at supported sites by 80%.

Developed training needs analysis, training designs and implementation. Supported the development of the National Family Planning Guideline and on the job training manuals. Distributed job aids and completed facility improvement plans for supported sites. Responsible for 72hours make over and infrastructural support for 10 facilities.

Implementing Agencies

Association for Reproductive and Family Health; John Hopkins University; John Snow, Inc; and Center for Communication Programs.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

NURHI 72 hours clinic make over.

Nigeria, 2012


Sustaining Quality Maternal Child Health and Service Provision and Utilization in Two Northern States

The capacity of public and private health sectors was enhanced for sustainable Reproductive Health/Family Planning services in Katsina and Kogi States of Nigeria. The project employed community-based approach and public/private sectors collaboration using the following strategies: advocacy, capacity building, documentation, and dissemination.

Roles and responsibilities

Program coordination and management of project implementation. Facilitation of training for healthcare workers. Mentoring public and private sector staff.

Key achievements

Successfully coordinated project implementation. Facilitated the capacity development for reproductive healthcare trainers. Increased the number of trained and specialized healthcare workers that delivered MCH, HIV & Reproductive Health services.

Implementing agency

Association for Reproductive and Family Health


David and Lucile Packard Foundation


Consolidation and Expansion of Family Planning Service Utilization Initiative in Two Nigerian States

The initiative focused on contributing to the reduction in maternal mortality and morbidity rates by improving the skills of the private health care workers, promoting the culture of prevention using appropriate strategies, improving the infection prevention procedures, and increasing contraceptive prevalence in Katsina and Kogi States of Nigeria. The project aimed at changing attitude, increasing access, improving quality of care and the utilization of RH/FP services in the project communities.

Strategies that were employed on these evidence-based interventions included: advocacy, needs assessment, baseline survey, capacity building, strategic behavioral change communication, demand generation, service delivery, monitoring and supervision, evaluation, documentation, and dissemination.

Roles and responsibilities

Provided technical assistance for programs design and planning. Led the use of data to monitor performance against targets for Reproductive Health, TB/HIV, and related programs. Facilitated training and mentored Department of Health staff. Manage five project staff in their day-to-day activities. Represented organization at State and National Reproductive Health Forum.

Key achievements

A total number of 28 private health facilities strengthened to provide Family Planning/Reproductive Health/Post Abortion Care services. The capacities of 44 health care providers (doctors, nurses/midwives, auxiliaries, patent medicine vendors, traditional birth attendants, male advocates, and consultants) were built on different programming. The capacities of the facilities were built through training of service providers and provision of Manual Vacuum Aspiration Kits. All trained physicians and nurses are competent in the use of MVA kits. The project facilitated the establishment of standard procedures in the project clinics to ensure quality management, quality of care and infection prevention procedure. The project facilitated male involvement through sustained advocacy.

Implementing agency

Association for Reproductive and Family Health


David and Lucile Packard Foundation


Mobile Contraceptive Services in Three Local Government Areas of Oyo State

The mobile clinic adopts the use of branded tricycle in increasing access to Family Planning services in urban markets and low-income neighborhoods. The tricycles were operated by licensed and trained Community Health Extension Workers to provide range of Family Planning services. The strategy removes geographic barriers that limit the utilization of Family Planning services.

Roles and responsibilities

Coordinated service delivery, managed relationship with stakeholders, facilitated review meetings,

and mentored staff on data collection.

Key achievements

Established effective referral linkage between mobile and facility-based FP clinic.

Increased access to service for the urban poor clients.

Implementing agency

Association for Reproductive and Family Health


Association for Reproductive and Family Health

Commissioning of the mobile contraceptive tricycles by the Commissioner of Health, Oyo State, Nigeria and VP, ARFH.

Ibadan, Nigeria 2009


Promoting Community Based Access to Injectable Contraceptives in Gombe State

A pilot project of community-based distribution of injectable contraceptives in two local government areas of Gombe State, Nigeria. The project trained and equipped community health extension workers to distribute condoms, oral and injectable contraceptives in rural communities. There were advocacy visits to key stakeholders and community mobilization to promote Family Planning services.

Roles and responsibilities

Managing the implementation of the project activities, training, monitoring and supportive supervision

Key achievements

Hundred percent increase in the pool of trained low cadre of health workers to provide Family Planning services. Use of low cadre of health workers for community-based provision of injectable contraceptives. No needle stick injury or any other any injection related adverse event.

Implementing agency

Association for Reproductive and Family Health


USAID-sponsored assistance agreement with Family Health International.


AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN)

APIN contributed to the Nigerian national HIV response through service delivery support, technical assistance and capacity including evidence generation and partnership.

Roles and responsibilities

Supported some of the project sites mainly on adherence issues, testing, counselling, and development of health promotion messages.

Key achievements

Optimal adherence support for the cohort and development of HIV Information, Education and Communication materials.

Implementing agency

Association for Reproductive and Family Health




Shell Company in Nigeria (SCiN) Workplace HIV/AIDS Peer Education Project

This project forms an important component of the Shell Company’s HIV/ AIDS response program. Baseline survey, family funfair, training of selected SCiN staff as peer educators and post training monitoring. The trained peer educators are empowered to provide information on HIV to their colleagues and influence them towards adopting positive sexual behaviors.

Roles and responsibilities

Facilitation of training sessions and mentoring.

Key achievements

Twenty-four staff were trained to become peer educators.

Implementing agency

Association for Reproductive and Family Health


Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited

SCiN Workplace HIV/AIDS Peer Education Project training session.

Lagos, Nigeria 2009